The Value of a Properly Written Report – Criminal Defense

The adage “a great report can save a horrible investigation, while a horrible report can ruin even the best of investigations” isn’t the report’s only purpose. While a detailed, yet concise story of what was observed during three days of...

The Value of a Properly Written Report – Insurance

There’s an old adage in the investigative world; a great report can save a horrible investigation, while a horrible report can ruin even the best of investigations. When new investigators join the profession, there are usually mixed emotions to hearing this. At...

How Providing Your Investigator ALL of the Discovery Helps Your Case

As a defense attorney, you want to control all aspects of your cases, and for good reason. Maintaining the attorney-client privilege and keeping the defense team from running down every rabbit hole a client comes up with is paramount to keeping your defense strategy...

How Surveillance Proves Beyond Doubt Fraudulent Claims

Surveillance is an expensive yet imperative part of working any insurance file. Without laying eyes on the claimant, documenting his or her daily activities, fraudulent claims can be all but impossible to prove. Other methods of investigation lay the groundwork, such...

The Reid Technique – A defense investigator’s perspective

Anyone who has been in criminal defense for any reasonable amount of time has heard the name “Reid Technique.” Law enforcement and DA’s offices love it; defense attorneys hate it. The prosecution calls it getting the truth; the defense calls it coercion. But what...